4 Group Booking Delivery Service
4 Group Booking Delivery Service

Get the Red Carpet Treatment - The Easy Ride Down ! If you have a group of mixed abilities, or your preference is on just sightseeing, or least amount of physical effort, then this red carpet service is for you. We meet you at the top of the mountain, at Llyn (lake) Sarnau and deliver your scooters to you. We provide a safety briefing and answer any questions about the two route options available to you. The session is listed as two hours, however your scootering time is max 70 minutes, to allow for registration, travelling time to the top of the mountain and the servicing of your scooters on your return.
1) Take the turning left before the car park at Llyn Sarnau. This takes you down to Llyn Parc and along the outside edge of the mountain. The Bigger Challenge - Remember Half Of It Is Downhill You do the "The Nant" first, then from here you do the next level and to take on the "The Hill". No Pain No Gain! as the higher you go the more you will see, and the more fun you will have coming down. Has been done in under an hour to get up, and 10 minutes to get down. The route is simple, as in when you get to the top, you either turn left or turn right.
1) Turning left keeps you in the forest and off a main road. Three great view points and lots of easy to great down hill sections. View "The Hill" Turn Left Route Download a PDF of the "The Hill" Turn Left Route
2) Turning Right takes you out of the woods and around the curve of the valley bowl. You then head up to see the Old Hafan Mine, but there are two sections where due to the danger, you have to WALK on the road for short while.. View "The Hill" Turn Right Route Download a PDF of the "The Hill" Turn Right Route